Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Aloha! the countdown is ON!!

Starting to panic, in 2 weeks the contents of our house will be in crates and I have to say I'm very calm................. which has me panicked! ;o)

So far we have;

Booked the movers - on a supposedly easy user friendly website which didn't seem quite so user friendly to me!

Arranged for BOTH our cars to be shipped - wasn't going to take my car until a fellow Marine husband, that's right a Marine Corps husband told me to take my car! He knows what I should have known better.................that although our Marine spouses say they will jog,run,walk,ride their bikes or get a ride to work and leave us with the ONLY car - it doesn't happen!!! Thanks for the gracious reminder Marine husband!!! ;o)

Had our house pre-inspected - all I have to do is sweep, vacuum and wipe down!!!! what???? say that again please?  For those of you who have had the pleasure of being a military wife for a LONG time, long gone are the days of having to move you families to far of places and endure the scrutiny of a "white glove" inspection..............we used to have to take apart, ovens, fridges,toilet seats, scrub walls, spit shine windows................and a LOT more! This new system - I like!

Had my sons last SS Team meeting at school - always a pleasure!

Called the schools Liaison officer in Hawaii - trying to get ready for a new school system, was told to get the kids physicals and TB test before we arrive as they need it for school - was surprised how well that went - last time #1 son had a shot he tried to run out of the room through the curtain and ran head first into a door!!!!!

Called Housing in Hawaii - the wait is 1-3 months for a house, but wait, you will pay for us to be in a hotel for 60 days .............with a maid - is it mothers day, my birthday and Christmas all at once!?!?!?!

Next week we have all our last appointments  - dentist, doctor, worst nightmare come true AGAIN - I have to find ANOTHER NEW HAIRDRESSER!!!!

I have a Pile Starting in the corner of a room that is the - do not pack as we need that and if you pack it we won't see it for 3 months............this has me a little panicked..........WHAT IF MARIANA'S BLANKEE GETS PACKET IN A BOX?!?!?!? that would be a disaster of EPIC proportions or maybe a blessing in disguise? NO, definitely a disaster!!!

My Husband (the Marine) has done all of his paperwork and official stuff - I hope! or we're gonna be homeless!

So why am I so calm..................

Maybe I'm just in denial about the upcoming move? Have I become so used to this that it's 2nd nature? or MAYBE I know that the hard part has still to come - saying goodbye to friends and people that have become our family in the last 2 years!!! As I write this I realize what is ahead as I have done it so many times before, the tears, the hugs, the last dinners and last play breaks my heart ;o( BUT then I have to remember ALL the friends we have made along the way of this military journey and I know that now I am moving to Hawaii I will see you all real soon - WHEN YOU COME VISIT!!!!!

P.S - Please come visit!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Life as a Marine Corps wife!

My husband comes home tomorrow after 8 weeks at a school in 29 Palms CA - yippee!!! The kids are excited and I can't wait........!

I love my life as a Marine wife, it's a great adventure thats for sure.......

In true military wife life here is a list of things that have happened in the last 8 weeks;

-Had to have a root canal and crown on a abscessed root canal and crown - ouch!
-Had leg surgery (thankfully my parents were here to help me with that)
-Washing Machine broke - guy came to fix it, NOT!!! had to buy a new one ;o(
-Vacuum Cleaner broke - only needed a new part - WHEW!!!
-Car needed a new battery!! (thanks to my sweet neighbor for helping me with that)
-I was crazy enough to start a new project of sanding and painting my kitchen table and chairs - STILL NOT DONE!!
-4 year old needed a new passport
-I needed a new passport
-Had a meeting at school with my oldest kids Student Study Team
-Kids needed physicals
-8 year old needed blood drawn  - he was so brave!
-4 year got pneumonia - needed chest X-ray!! trying to get the meds in her was a task of epic proportions!

AND then there was all the regular stuff

Yard Work
My job
Volunteering at the school book fair

AND then the fun stuff

Playing with my kids
Going to Museums
Cherry Blossoms in DC - on the busiest day EVER!!!
Going to Beach
Taking Walks
Hanging with friends

Probably forgot a few things that happened at the very start - 8 weeks ago is a LONG time!!

And in true Marine Corps wife life, nothing out of the ordinary will happen when he comes home..........................!

Well apart from the fact that he called me this week and told me that we are moving to Hawaii in a MONTH!!!!!!!!!

The weird part about it all is that I LOVE IT - which leads me to the question I ask myself, do I need pshciatric help????????????