Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Aloha! the countdown is ON!!

Starting to panic, in 2 weeks the contents of our house will be in crates and I have to say I'm very calm................. which has me panicked! ;o)

So far we have;

Booked the movers - on a supposedly easy user friendly website which didn't seem quite so user friendly to me!

Arranged for BOTH our cars to be shipped - wasn't going to take my car until a fellow Marine husband, that's right a Marine Corps husband told me to take my car! He knows what I should have known better.................that although our Marine spouses say they will jog,run,walk,ride their bikes or get a ride to work and leave us with the ONLY car - it doesn't happen!!! Thanks for the gracious reminder Marine husband!!! ;o)

Had our house pre-inspected - all I have to do is sweep, vacuum and wipe down!!!! what???? say that again please?  For those of you who have had the pleasure of being a military wife for a LONG time, long gone are the days of having to move you families to far of places and endure the scrutiny of a "white glove" inspection..............we used to have to take apart, ovens, fridges,toilet seats, scrub walls, spit shine windows................and a LOT more! This new system - I like!

Had my sons last SS Team meeting at school - always a pleasure!

Called the schools Liaison officer in Hawaii - trying to get ready for a new school system, was told to get the kids physicals and TB test before we arrive as they need it for school - was surprised how well that went - last time #1 son had a shot he tried to run out of the room through the curtain and ran head first into a door!!!!!

Called Housing in Hawaii - the wait is 1-3 months for a house, but wait, you will pay for us to be in a hotel for 60 days .............with a maid - is it mothers day, my birthday and Christmas all at once!?!?!?!

Next week we have all our last appointments  - dentist, doctor, worst nightmare come true AGAIN - I have to find ANOTHER NEW HAIRDRESSER!!!!

I have a Pile Starting in the corner of a room that is the - do not pack as we need that and if you pack it we won't see it for 3 months............this has me a little panicked..........WHAT IF MARIANA'S BLANKEE GETS PACKET IN A BOX?!?!?!? that would be a disaster of EPIC proportions or maybe a blessing in disguise? NO, definitely a disaster!!!

My Husband (the Marine) has done all of his paperwork and official stuff - I hope! or we're gonna be homeless!

So why am I so calm..................

Maybe I'm just in denial about the upcoming move? Have I become so used to this that it's 2nd nature? or MAYBE I know that the hard part has still to come - saying goodbye to friends and people that have become our family in the last 2 years!!! As I write this I realize what is ahead as I have done it so many times before, the tears, the hugs, the last dinners and last play breaks my heart ;o( BUT then I have to remember ALL the friends we have made along the way of this military journey and I know that now I am moving to Hawaii I will see you all real soon - WHEN YOU COME VISIT!!!!!

P.S - Please come visit!!!